Glenbard South Health Center is staffed by a full-time certified school nurse and secretary. Students are assisted with immediate health concerns and chronic medical challenges. The school nurse works closely with all members of the pupil personnel team, which includes guidance counselors, school psychologists, deans, and social workers. The school nurse identifies and plans for students with health concerns with a goal of optimal health. Toward that goal, chronic illness, hospitalizations, attendance, and injuries are monitored.
A student who becomes ill during the school day should obtain a pass from the classroom teacher before going to the Health Center unless an emergency situation exists. Students requiring to be excused from school due to illness or injury must report to the Health Center. Students are excused with the permission of a parent/guardian or designee only.
Parents may request in writing a temporary excuse from participation in physical education for up to three (3) days in any one semester. A physician’s note must be presented for excuses beyond three (3) days.
In accordance with the Illinois School Code, a completed Medication Form must be completed and signed by both the physician and guardian to allow medication to be dispensed at school.
When reporting a student absence, please call the Attendance line.
We continue our commitment to maintaining health and wellness in school. Please visit the District Health and Wellness Page.
Medical Requirements for 9th grade entrance: In order to process all freshman physicals in a timely manner the health office is requesting physical & immunizations be turned in by July 15th.
The 1st day exclusion will apply without completed requirements (linked below).
(Please see board policy 7:100.)
The Illinois Department of Public Health requires all students entering or continuing in Grade 12 to show proof of receiving two doses of the meningococcal vaccine on or after the 11th birthday or one dose if the initial dose is given on or after the 16th birthday. The Glenbard South Health Office is requesting that all incoming seniors provide proof that they have received their immunizations prior to the first day of school. Students not in compliance on the first day of school will be excluded from school until proof of vaccine is received.
Senior Dance Rehearsal: Raider Gym
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