The mandatory Fall Sports Parent Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00PM. More information will follow as we get closer to the date.
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Practice Times:
Boys-Monday, August 12th at the track in Raider Stadium 1:30PM-3:30PM
Girls-Monday, August 12th at the track in Raider Stadium 1:30PM-3:30PM
No previous running experience required.
Head Boys Coach: Doug Gorski (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4706 or [email protected]
Head Girls Coach: Dan Bledsoe (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4326 or [email protected]
Practice Times: Varsity-Monday, August 12th 3:15PM-6:15PM
Sophomores-Monday, August 12th 3:15PM-6:15PM
Freshman-Monday, August 12th 3:15PM-6:15PM
Head Coach: Ryan Crissey (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4131 or [email protected]
Boys Golf
All players are to have golf attire (collared shirt and shorts), they are to have their own equipment unless arrangements are made before tryouts by contacting Coach Phil Yudys ([email protected]).
Tryouts will be $30 to cover green fees for the week of tryouts. Cash or check made out to Glenbard South are to be turned in on the Monday of tryouts to Coach Yudys.
Tryouts will take place at The Village Links of Glen Ellyn. We will play 9 holes the following days.
More information will be released closer to the tryout date. Please email Coach Phil Yudys ([email protected]) to be added to the email distribution list.
Head Coach: Phil Yudys (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4253 or [email protected]
Girls Golf
Varsity and JV: Monday, August 12th thru Wednesday, August 14th 1:30PM-3:30PM (8/12, 8/13) and 3:15PM-5:15PM (8/14)
Tryouts will be held at Lombard Golf Course (FKA Western Acres Golf Course)
Green fees for 9 holes will be paid for.
Collared shirt and golf skirt or shorts are required attire.
Head Coach: Kevin Berner (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4611 or [email protected]
Boys Soccer
Tryouts/Practice Times:
All Levels: Monday, August 12th thru Wednesday, August 14th 3:15PM-5:15PM
Meet at Upper East Soccer Field
Head Coach: Willie Fajkus (630) 469-6500 ext. 4253 or [email protected]
District 87 Co-op Varsity/JV Girls Swim Team w/Glenbard West
Time and Date Monday, August 12th thru Friday, August 16th 3:30PM-5:30PM
Location: Sunset Pool, Glen Ellyn
For more information, please contact the athletic office prior to August 5th
Head Coach: Miles Ritchie ([email protected])
Girls Tennis
Tryouts/Practice Times:
Varsity and JV-Monday, August 12th thru Wednesday, August 14th 3:15PM-5:15PM
Please bring your racquets and water.
Head Coach: TBA
Girls Volleyball
Juniors/Seniors-Monday, August 12th and Tuesday, August 13th from 3:30PM-5:30PM
Freshmen/Sophomores-Monday, August 12th and Tuesday, August 13th from 1:30PM-3:30PM
Head Coach: Chad Grant (630) 469-6500 Ext. 4253 or [email protected]
The mandatory Fall Sports Parent Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00PM. More information will follow as we get closer to the date.
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